The following is a preview of appearance and behavior of LivIcons.
Any color, any size
LivIcons are based on SVG (scalable vector graphic) in all modern browsers and on VML (Vector Markup Language) in IE6 - IE8. So these icons can be any size with good look at any devices. And, of course, any color can be applied too.
Animated and static
The main feature is LivIcons are animated, but they can be static like any other icons too.
We are animated!
We are static.
Click and hover events
Looped animation
Animation can be repeated infinitely if appropriate.
Please don't get carried away with this option.
Click to start/stop animations.
Original colors by default
This option matches to different icons with traditional colors, such as browsers, social networks etc.
Note: Not animated from v1.1!
Icons with 'original' colors.
For webkit browsers you can apply css filter 'drop-shadow'.
Note: work in Chrome 18.0+, Safari 6.0+, iOS Safari 6.0+, Blackberry Browser 10.0+, Chrome for Android 25.0+
We have a shadow.